Creating a custom HUD

Monday 22nd May, 2006 | Skip to comments (2)

This is a simple tutorial about how to create your own custom HUD with EzQuake.

Step 1
First of all we need ezquake_URL

Step 2
We need to remove the old HUD and start with a fresh/clear screen. We do this by typing scr_newhud 1.

Step 3
The easiest way of making a HUD you need to see all items (armors/weapons/powerups). You could go play on some server and take everything you need, or just simply type hud_planmode 1.

Step 4
We simple start of with the most important stuff, showing you’re health and armor. Type hud_health_show 1, hud_armor_show 1 they both will show up on the top-left side of the screen. Of course you don’t want them there so we need to move them. Type hud_health_pos_x this sets the horizontal position of health level and hud_health_pos_y to set the vertical position of health level.

Step 5
If you find your HUD-items to large or to small, you can adjust it by using hud_health_scale / hud_armor_scale command. I think you know enough of the basic settings.

Step 6
Its also possible to make groups. The command is hud_group1_show 1 You can change the width and height of the group hud_group1_width xxx and hud_group1_height xxx. It also possible to make the group darker/lighter hud_group_frame x. And to move it use the hud_group1_pos_x and hud_group1_pos_y commands again.

Step 7
You can find a list of all available HUD-commands right here. Of course I made a HUD myself, you can find it over here.

hud_ammo1_pos_x              "233"
hud_ammo1_pos_y              "535"
hud_ammo1_scale              "0.4"
hud_ammo1_show               "1"
hud_ammo2_pos_x              "269"
hud_ammo2_pos_y              "535"
hud_ammo2_scale              "0.4"
hud_ammo2_show               "1"
hud_ammo3_pos_x              "305"
hud_ammo3_pos_y              "535"
hud_ammo3_scale              "0.4"
hud_ammo3_show               "1"
hud_ammo4_pos_x              "338"
hud_ammo4_pos_y              "535"
hud_ammo4_scale              "0.4"
hud_ammo4_show               "1"
hud_ammo_pos_x               "430"
hud_ammo_pos_y               "385"
hud_armor_pos_x              "30"
hud_armor_pos_y              "529"
hud_armor_scale              "0.8"
hud_armor_show               "1"
hud_armor_style              "2"
hud_face_pos_x               "100"
hud_face_pos_y               "532"
hud_face_scale               "0.6"
hud_face_show                "1"
hud_fps_decimals             "0"
hud_fps_pos_x                "-430"
hud_fps_pos_y                "-30"
hud_fps_show                 "1"
hud_frags_pos_x              "436"
hud_frags_pos_y              "510"
hud_frags_space_x            "4"
hud_gameclock_align_y        "top"
hud_gameclock_pos_x          "-28"
hud_gameclock_pos_y          "502"
hud_gameclock_scale          "1.8"
hud_gameclock_show           "1"
hud_group1_alpha             "0,2"
hud_group1_frame             "0.2"
hud_group1_height            "22"
hud_group1_pos_x             "5"
hud_group1_pos_y             "528"
hud_group1_show              "1"
hud_group1_width             "176"
hud_group2_frame             "0.2"
hud_group2_height            "24"
hud_group2_pos_x             "5"
hud_group2_pos_y             "501"
hud_group2_show              "1"
hud_group2_width             "210"
hud_group3_frame             "0.2"
hud_group3_height            "25"
hud_group3_pos_x             "218"
hud_group3_pos_y             "525"
hud_group3_show              "1"
hud_group3_width             "165"
hud_group4_frame             "0.2"
hud_group4_height            "27"
hud_group4_pos_x             "218"
hud_group4_pos_y             "501"
hud_group4_show              "1"
hud_group4_width             "165"
hud_group5_frame             "0.2"
hud_group5_height            "22"
hud_group5_pos_x             "184"
hud_group5_pos_y             "528"
hud_group5_show              "1"
hud_group5_width             "31"
hud_group6_frame             "0.2"
hud_group6_height            "49"
hud_group6_pos_x             "386"
hud_group6_pos_y             "501"
hud_group6_show              "1"
hud_group6_width             "248"
hud_group7_frame             "0.2"
hud_group7_height            "3"
hud_group7_pos_x             "386"
hud_group7_pos_y             "533"
hud_group7_width             "248"
hud_gun2_pos_x               "240"
hud_gun2_pos_y               "-40"
hud_gun2_show                "1"
hud_gun2_style               "3"
hud_gun3_pos_x               "-16"
hud_gun3_pos_y               "11"
hud_gun3_show                "1"
hud_gun3_style               "3"
hud_gun4_pos_x               "20"
hud_gun4_pos_y               "-11"
hud_gun4_show                "1"
hud_gun4_style               "3"
hud_gun5_pos_x               "-17"
hud_gun5_pos_y               "11"
hud_gun5_show                "1"
hud_gun5_style               "3"
hud_gun6_pos_x               "20"
hud_gun6_pos_y               "-11"
hud_gun6_show                "1"
hud_gun6_style               "3"
hud_gun7_pos_x               "-16"
hud_gun7_pos_y               "11"
hud_gun7_show                "1"
hud_gun7_style               "3"
hud_gun8_pos_x               "17"
hud_gun8_show                "1"
hud_gun8_style               "3"
hud_health_pos_x             "120"
hud_health_pos_y             "529"
hud_health_scale             "0.8"
hud_health_show              "1"
hud_iarmor_pos_x             "10"
hud_iarmor_pos_y             "532"
hud_iarmor_scale             "0.6"
hud_iarmor_show              "1"
hud_pent_align_x             "center"
hud_pent_align_y             "bottom"
hud_pent_place               "screen"
hud_pent_show                "1"
hud_ping_blink               "0"
hud_ping_pos_x               "400"
hud_ping_show_pl             "0"
hud_quad_align_x             "center"
hud_quad_align_y             "bottom"
hud_quad_place               "screen"
hud_quad_pos_x               "-120"
hud_quad_pos_y               "-3"
hud_quad_show                "1"
hud_ring_align_x             "center"
hud_ring_align_y             "bottom"
hud_ring_place               "screen"
hud_ring_pos_x               "-120"
hud_ring_pos_y               "-5"
hud_ring_show                "1"
hud_teamfrags_align_x        "center"
hud_teamfrags_align_y        "bottom"
hud_teamfrags_pos_x          "-245"
hud_teamfrags_pos_y          "-29"
hud_teamfrags_show           "1"
hud_teamfrags_space_x        "20"

*** This HUD is created for -conwidth 640 its not compatible with other resolutions ***

And this is how it looks now:

Tutorial - HUD

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