QHLAN10 1on1 update
Friday 5th January, 2007 | Skip to comments (3)
There was lots of duelling going on last night at QHLAN so for you who didn’t take part of it here is a short update.
Group games are soon complete and for now (most likely) the following players will make it to the playoffs:
- Group 1: Paradoks, the-interceptor
- Group 2: swing, Åke vader
- Group 3: mutilator, bps
- Group 4: razor, Inferno
- Group 5: spoink,mooseman
- Group 6: phrenic, mogge
- Group 7: mawe, reppie
- Group 8: xalibur, lacsap
Great to see Xalibur coming back in such a great shape even though he has been away from the scene for nearly two years.
If you aren’t atteending like me but still want a piece of the action, you might find my short tutorial about spectating games from outside QHLAN useful.
* update: Playoff backet is now online.
playoff bracket?