QHLAN10 1on1 update

Friday 5th January, 2007 | Skip to comments (3)

There was lots of duelling going on last night at QHLAN so for you who didn’t take part of it here is a short update.

Group games are soon complete and for now (most likely) the following players will make it to the playoffs:

  • Group 1: Paradoks, the-interceptor
  • Group 2: swing, Åke vader
  • Group 3: mutilator, bps
  • Group 4: razor, Inferno
  • Group 5: spoink,mooseman
  • Group 6: phrenic, mogge
  • Group 7: mawe, reppie
  • Group 8: xalibur, lacsap

Great to see Xalibur coming back in such a great shape even though he has been away from the scene for nearly two years.

If you aren’t atteending like me but still want a piece of the action, you might find my short tutorial about spectating games from outside QHLAN useful.

* update: Playoff backet is now online.

3 responses to “QHLAN10 1on1 update”

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Friday 5th January, 2007

playoff bracket?

Friday 5th January, 2007

The power went down today some hours ago and since all groups haven't played all games there is no playoff bracket yet. Ill update as soon is I get more info.

Friday 5th January, 2007

thanks xanti

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