Crazypitt does quake!

Monday 5th March, 2007 | Skip to comments (4)

I like comebacks. Apparently Crazypitt does too!

Hey, introduce yourself.

The name is Mikael from Gothenburg and im 23 years young.

Welcome back to the qwscene. What made you install that good ol quake again?

First of all thx, and I think it was the knowledge that people still do play a game where camping isn’t the to win, im nost cases atleast :)

What made you remove it ? :)

Don’t remember but I think it was Format c:

How long have you been playing quake?

Well dont know the years but I remember when i had my 200mmx cpu with 8mb gfx. that was the time i installed quake then u do the math :)

And do you play other games on a regular basis, or is it all quake?

Yes I do, WoW and some camperstrike.. starting to get bored tough :\

So now that you are back have you seen some changes for the good or bad for the quakeworld community, or is it the same as always?

There arent as many players playing as I remember or I just dont have all the servers that are up and running :)

Have you had any chance to follow some ownage games, and if so. what do you think of it?

Havent had the chance yet.

Is there anything missing in the scene today?

More ppl’s ? the good oldschool guys.. Griffin, mrlame and thoose dudes. or maybe they are still playing but I havent seen them :)

What is your favourite player and does he still play?

Everyone that plays qw is my favorite ppl :P

Do you see yourself 10 years from now still plowing away on the servers? If there is a community left :)

Yeah I think I do. I’m like Peter Pan, refusing to grow up :P

Thanks for your time, happy fragging! :) NEMAS! tuddles!

4 responses to “Crazypitt does quake!”

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Monday 5th March, 2007

Lo, the first answer smells like fat-pie :> gj :>

Tuesday 6th March, 2007

peter pan owns :D

Wednesday 7th March, 2007

The almighty Pitt is back! :> woho

Saturday 10th March, 2007

The pitt is back and kickin'!

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