Quake at DreamHack down the tubes
Lasts years QuakeWorld tournament at DreamHack was a success for both our beloved scene and the ‘cs’ crowd spectating our lovely old game. So far so good. This year we get enough interest to host another one, wow! What a joyride.
Here is where the fun stops and where the usual problems with getting lazy quakers from their ass, and getting them to actually do something, arise. Argh.
QW and Q2 will be canceled unless more players sign up!
Yeah, not enough sign ups. Did QuakeWorld die? Did we lose? What happened?
No we are alive, we are kicking, we are _not_ dead. Do we want other people to think so?
Probably not. So let’s make this another testament of great gaming and excellent sportsmanship.
This is a bad time not having a tournament at the biggest LAN in the world.
The scene has been in decline according to most regulars so this might be that last push, down the steps where the other dead games lie around. Brr.
So where are Locust , Milton, j0n, Reppie, Mawe, Fix, Insane, Fifi, Dag, Sphere, Razor, Gamer, Reload Griffin, Sudo, Doom, Valla, Nabbe, Interceptor, Mutilator, Xpr, Spoinka etc. The list could go on forever but i think it’s making my point clear, we want spectacular games to as much eyes as possible. Each one of these players have the capability of winning, and would each on their own bring a whole plethora of unique game play.
Even if it’s not the top tier div1 attending it’s fine. We need that tourney.
Please do sign up.
Mail the following information to quake4ever dreamhack se:
- Game
- Surname
- Nickname (Alias)
- Last name
- City
- Country
- Cell phone number
- Birth date
For any questions please contact our administrations in #DreamHack.Quake (irc.quakenet.org)
Here’s a few pictures from the previous LAN (view full image archive).