QuakeWorld drama? You tell us!
We figured out that it is not possible for us to find, notice and realize all the drama and rumors that spread around in the community of Quakeworld. In order to solve this problem we created a little new feature so you people could help us out and keep the site active. The new feature is called “QW drama? - You tell us!”
The concept of this new feature is very simple. If you know or have heard some suspicious stories or rumors about something QuakeWorld related and you wish to make it public anonymously, you only need to fill in this form and within few days the entire QuakeWorld scene will be aware of your secret because it will be published on the front page of qwdrama. We do not want fully written articles to be submitted through this form. So you only need to give us the details in short and we will take care of creating the article.
In case you haven’t yet figured out where is this mysterious form, it’s right next to the qwdrama top header.
Without further ado, let us know the drama!
lol that kid just look so retarted =D