Welcome to the v3 of qwdrama!

Monday 22nd October, 2007 | 12 Comments »

qwdrama v3 logoDuring the last few weeks XantoM along with few others from the qwdrama crew have put several hours into developing new version of qwdrama.com and now we are very glad to finally release the website to the public. With the fresh new design and improved functionality, there’s no doubt that qwdrama is now the number one QuakeWorld website on the internet. Without further ado, let’s see what the new version of qwdrama brings to you:

Dakoth: ”Winners come and go, but those who enjoy the game stay forever”

Wednesday 17th October, 2007 | 12 Comments »

Sweden is the country of most of the famous QuakeWorld players. However, there are still plenty of players who play on high level but don’t get as much attention as some of the others. Dakoth might be one of these players who aren’t so well recognised, yet play with the big boys. If you don’t know Dakoth as a top-player, then you should at least know him for producing multiple great QuakeWorld maps. Keep on reading to find out dakoth’s opinions when we visited topics from QuakeWorld to console gaming and from leagues to map making!


Holy shit, it actually worked!

Tuesday 16th October, 2007 | 12 Comments »


Anyone who has played QuakeWorld for more than a week knows about the issues that rookies have these days. First they need to spend a considerable amount of time to set up the config to fit their needs and then they find out the painful truth: Whether or not they played with a perfect config and the newest gaming mouse or just a Sega steering wheel with your pedal bound to “+forward” hardly makes a significant difference; Being a rookie is highly demotivating. Consequently, only few of them make it past the first week before giving up.

Keep this in mind and picture the following scenario: You randomly select a couple of these QuakeWorld rookies, all of whom don’t even know each other, tell them to form a clan and ask them to sign up for the next league. And then, as if it wasn’t utopian and far-fetched enough, you add the typical QuakeWorld mentality of “I’ll sign up now and won’t bother playing my games once the tournament starts” and you multiply the unlikeliness of everything going smoothly times seven. Never going to work? Well that’s what I thought too…


godis! interview

Sunday 7th October, 2007 | 6 Comments »


Some of you might have noticed this godis! dude playing a lot of mixes. But who is he and what’s his story? Keep on reading and you’ll find out!
