Saturday 1st September, 2007 |
It’s Saturday, raining and definitely time for a quick rant: Hasn’t it ever bothered you that some people write “gg” after every godforsaken game, regardless of how the game went or what the result ended up to be?
People for some mysterious reason always compare QuakeWorld to tennis, where you walk to the net after the game and shake hands. Well I have revolutionary news for you: QuakeWorld and tennis have as much in common as QuakeWorld and getting laid. “But they’re both competitive sports” is what gg-sayers claim in their defense. Yawn.
Sunday 26th August, 2007 |
A lot of people that played in the first season of NNQL probably felt like the league had some flaws… or some of them might even go as far as to say that the above is an understament. If you check through the divisions, you will see that not even one single team managed to play all of their games. This statistic is something rather unacceptable, if the guys behind NNQL ever want their league to be considered as good and respected as leagues like NQR or EQL. Sure, the same thing happens in EQL/NQR as well - Some clans are unable to play all of their games, but please, not even one single team out of hundreds of teams that signed up? Shame on you.
Thursday 23rd August, 2007 |
“Vital to the European QuakeWorld community”, “a place where three-quarters of Europe pings decently”, “hosted by an admin that is hard to reach”, “constantly running outdated server versions”, “maybe gone soon” - All of the above describe our beloved Wargamez server. Located in Denmark and thus forming the junction between Scandinavia and the rest of Europe, Wargamez has without a doubt been the most important European QuakeWorld server of the last years.
However, the future of Wargamez is uncertain. That aside, a discussion at the Forum has extended beyond the fate of the server. Maybe it’s time for something new?
Thursday 9th August, 2007 |
1tsinen has started a small campaign for helping new quakers build/create teams before EQL season 6 begins.
The things that you should info about is (here in the forum so that other players can find you):
1. Your QW nickname that you use.
2. Your Irc nickname.
3. What country your playing from.
4. What irc channels you use. (#qwrookie should be a good gathering place, so if you don’t have it in perform then add it)
EQL6 starts 17th of September so teams should be ready before that, atleast 4 players/team.