Snake: “im going to be a police officer”

Tuesday 13th March, 2007 | 8 Comments »

First interview in the drama series, n`joy

Hey snake. Tell us a little bit about yourself, and what what do you enjoy doing on your spare time? What do you do for a living?

Name is Marti, Im 25 years old, just left a 6 year IT career behind me. Going to school to be a Police Officer one day. Imagine someone like me, as a cop! ;) On my spare time i usualy ride my motorbike when the weather is good. Or else i just spend time with my girl. Or i abuse people over the internet as im used to x)


QuakeWorld Wiki

Saturday 10th March, 2007 | 5 Comments »

For those that don’t know the phenomenon called Wikipedia visit the original Wikipedia which is one of the 10 largest sites on the internet.

The QuakeWorld Wiki has been a success from the start with contributions almost every day, but there is more to be done. Therefor we will give you the tools and inspiration that you need for a few minutes of meaningfull contribution. (read more..)

New servers:

Wednesday 7th March, 2007 | 9 Comments »

When the IOP servers were removed there was a big greif among many players, but do not dispair!

bps recently put up 3 brand new servers and a Qizmo. Each having 12 speccslots and running on a P4, 1500mhz with a 100/100mbit port80-connection in Stockholm, Sweden.

KTX allround ( (

Qizmo (32 slots) (

Now open your serverbrowser, add the servers to your favourites and start fragging!